THE SCENE: I’m guessing that this vulgar French poem, about a woman who has never heard of sex before, was the first appearance of the phrase, “no fucks to give.”
She called to him and said, “My friend,
What bird have you there in your hand,
On your father’s soul?” He explains,
–“By Orleans and all her saints,
My lady, it’s a large, fine crane”
The girl replies, “In God’s own name,
It’s fat and fair and just mature;
I’ve never seen its like, I’m sure.
I’d buy it from you, if I could.”
–“My lady,” he says, “well and good.
If that would please you, I will sell.”
–“What are you asking for it, tell?”
–“My lady, for a fuck it’s yours.”
–“Saint Peter help me now, because
I haven’t any fuck to trade!”
[Here is the French original of the last lines for those who question the translation:
–“Or di donc que je t’en donre.
–“Dame, por I foutre soit vostre.
–“Foi que doi saint Pere l’apostre,
Je n’ai nul foutre por changier!”]
The Crane, Garin, 13th Century AD