A King Brought Low by Love

THE SCENE: In the eyes of Suger, the Abbot of St. Denis, the fall of King Philip of France was 100% due to his sex life.

THE TEXT: Meanwhile, as the son made headway from day to day, his father, King Philip, was from day to day losing ground. After his irregular union with the countess of Anjou – Bertrade de Montfort – he did nothing worthy of the royal majesty, for he was carried away by lust for the married woman he had carried off and gave himself over to gratifying his desires. He indulged himself too much and did not take care of either his kingdom or the health of his noble and handsome body. The conditions of the realm prospered only because others both feared and loved his son and successor. Finally, when he was nearly sixty years old, he put aside his kingship and brought his last day to a close at the castle of Melun on the river Seine, with the lord Louis , his son, at his side.

– The Deeds of Louis the Fat, Suger, 12th Century AD