THE SCENE: In an unguarded moment of conversation with the archbishop, a Danish priest casually lets slip that he was, in fact, an ageless demon who had existed since before the birth of Christ.
THE TEXT: A somewhat similar case occurred in Denmark in our own lifetime. A priest appeared from nowhere and attached himself to the archbishop. He was discreet and hard-working, he had a great store of literary and historical knowledge, and he possessed a phenomenal memory. He did all he could to please the archbishop, and in a very short time the two became close friends. One day, when he was talking to the archbishop about the happenings long past and events long forgotten, all of which were naturally of the greatest interest to that prelate, he mentioned the incarnation of our Lord.
“Before Jesus Christ was born in the flesh,” he said, “devils had great power over human beings; but when He came, this power was greatly diminished. They were dispersed, some here, some there, for they fled headlong from His presence. Some hurled themselves into the sea. Others hid in hollow trees and in the cracks in rocks. I remember that I myself jumped down a well.” As he said this, he blushed for shame. Then he got up and left the room.
– The Journey Through Wales, Gerald of Wales, 12th Century AD