THE SCENE: Medieval source recall how Dr. Faust, a famous 15th century occultist, sold his soul to the devil in exchange for power and pleasure. In the passage below, we can read the actual contract that he signed with Mephistopheles.
THE TEXT: At Vespers, or at four O’clock in the evening, the flying spirit again appeared unto Faustus and proffered his obedience and subservience in all things, if so be that Faustus would tender certain articles to him in return. Would he do that, then his desires would know no want.
Afterwards, in audacity and trangression, Doctor Faustus executed a written instrument and document to the evil spirit. This was a blasphemous and horrible thing, which was found in his lodging after he had lost his life. I will include it as a warning to all pious Christians, lest they yield to the Devil and be cheated of body and soul (as afterward his poor famulus was by Doctor Faustus to this devilish work seduced).
When these two wicked parties contracted with one another , Doctor Faustus took a penknife, pricked open a vein in his left hand (and it is the veritable truth that upon this hand were seen graven and bloody the words: o homo fuge–id est: o mortal fly from him and do what is right), drained his blood into a crucible, set it on some hot coals and wrote as here followeth.
Do publicly declare with mine own hand in covenant & by power of these presents:
Whereas, mine own spiritual faculties having been exhaustively explored (including the gifts dispensed from above and graciously imparted to me), I still cannot comprehend;
And whereas, it being my wish to probe further into the matter, I do propose to speculate upon the Elementa;
And whereas mankind doth not teach such things;
Now therefore have I summoned the spirit who calleth himself Mephostophiles, a servant of the Hellish Prince in Orient, charged with informing and instructing me, and agreeing against a promissory instrument hereby transferred unto him to be subservient and obedient to me in all things.
I do promise him in return that, when I be fully sated of that which I desire of him, twenty-four years also being past, ended and expired, he may at such a time and in whatever manner or wise pleaseth him order, ordain, reign, rule and possess all that may be mine: body, property, flesh, blood, etc., herewith duly bound over in eternity and surrendered by covenant in mine own hand by authority and power of these presents, as well as of my mind, brain, intent, blood and will.
I do now defy all living beings, all the Heavenly Host and all mankind, and this must be.
In confirmation and contract whereof I have drawn out mine own blood for certification in lieu of a seal. Doctor Faustus, Adept in the Elementa and in Church Doctrine.
– Historia vnd Geschicht Doctor Johannis Faustj des Zauberers, 16th Century AD