A Certain Kind of Dignity

THE SCENE: On the verge of execution, a certain member of the Jomsvikings — a pagan viking chivalric order — finds a way to keep his dignity in his own vulgar northern way.

THE TEXT: The man was led forward and Thorkell [asked what he thought of dying]. He replied: “I would like you to wait while I relieve myself.”

“You have my permission to do that,” said Thorkell.

When he had finished, he said: “Much turns out otherwise than one expects. I had thought to sleep with Thora Skagadottir, the earl’s wife” – and he shook his member and then pulled up his trousers. Earl Hakon said: “Cut off his head without delay for he has long had wicked intentions.” Thorkell cut off his head.

– The Saga of the Jomsvikings, 13th Century AD