A Secret Weapon in Action

THE SCENE: “Greek fire”, the inspiration for Game of Throne’s Wildfire, provoked awe and respect in its enemies, as is demonstrated in this passage where it’s application in a naval battle is described in almost religious terms.

THE TEXT: The Russes embarked at night upon their vessels, and fled away. Theophanes pursued them in boats with Greek fire, and dropped it through pipes upon the Russian ships, so that a strange miracle was offered to view. Upon seeing the flames, the Russians cast themselves into the seawater, being anxious to escape, but the survivors returned home. When they came once more to their native land, where each one recounted to his kinsfolk the course of events and described the fire launched from the ships, they related that the Greeks had in their possession the lightning from heaven, and had set them on fire by pouring it forth, so that the Russes could not conquer them.

– Tales of Bygone Years, Nestor, 12th Century AD