THE SCENE: Asking questions to his mysterious hosts (Jar, Jahnhar, and Thridi), King Gangler learns about the origins of life.
THE TEXT: “When the rivers that are called Elivagar had flowed far from their sources,” replied Har, “the venom which they rolled along hardened, as does dross that runs from a furnace, and became ice. When the rivers flowed no longer, and the ice stood still, the vapour arising from the venom gathered over it, and froze to rime, and in this manner were formed, in Ginnungagap, many layers of congealed vapour, piled one over the other.”
“That part of Ginnungagap,” added Jafnhar, “that lies towards the north was thus filled with heavy masses of gelid vapour and ice, whilst everywhere within were whirlwinds and fleeting mists. But the southern part of Ginnungagap was lighted by the sparks and flakes that flew into it from Muspellheim.”
“Thus,” continued Thridi, “whilst freezing cold and gathering gloom proceeded from Niflheim, that part of Ginnungagap looking towards Muspellheim was filled with glowing radiancy, the intervening space remaining calm and light as wind-still air. And when the heated blast met the gelid vapour it melted it into drops, and, by the might of him who sent the heat, these drops quickened into life, and took a human semblance. The being thus formed was named Ymir, but the Frost-giants call him Orgelmir. From him descend the race of the Frost-giants (Hrimthursar), as it is said in the Voluspa, ‘From Vidolf come all witches; from Vilmeith all wizards; from Svarthofdi all poison-seethers; and all giants from Ymir.’ And the giant Vafthrûdnir, when Gangrad asked, ‘Whence came Orgelmir the first of the sons of giants?’ answered, ‘The Elivagar cast out drops of venom that quickened into a giant. From him spring all our race, and hence are we so strong and mighty.'”
“How did the race of Ymir spread itself?” asked Gangler; “or dost thou believe that this giant was a god?”
“We are far from believing him to have been a god,” replied Har, “for he was wicked as are all of his race, whom we call Frost-giants. And it is said that, when Ymir slept, he fell into a sweat, and from the pit of his left arm was born a man and a woman, and one of his feet engendered with the other a son, from whom descend the Frost-giants, and we therefore call Ymir the old Frost-giant.”
– The Prose Edda, Snorri Sturluson, 13th Century AD