Two Against One and the Odds are Even

THE SCENE: The berserker Grettir Asmundarson proves how deadly he could be in this quick scene where he dispatches with two attackers.

THE TEXT: Neither Thorbjorn nor his son was wearing a helmet. Grettir entered the marshland and when he was within range he threw his spear at Thorbjorn, but since the shaft was looser than he had expected, it flew off course, the head came loose and it stuck into the ground. Thorbjorn picked up his shield and brandished it, then drew his sword and turned to face Grettir when he was, then drew his sword and turned to face Grettir when he was sure who he was. Grettir drew his short-sword and when he swung it around he noticed the boy standing behind him, so he kept on the move. When he saw the boy was within striking distance he raised his sword aloft, then swung the back of the blade at Arnor’s head so hard that it broke his skull and killed him. Thorbjorn rushed forward and swung a blow at Grettir, who drew his buckler with his left hand to parry it, then thrust out with his sword, splitting Thorbjorn’s shield and striking him such a blow on the head that his brains spilled out and he fell down dead on the spot. Grettir did not deal them any more wounds. He searched for his spear, but when he could not find it, he went over to his horse and rode out to Reykir where he announced the killings.

– The Saga of Grettir the Strong, 14th Century AD