Words of Dead Worlds: Apocalypse

We understand the word “apocalypse” as referring to the end of the world, but it didn’t always have such a sinister meaning. Coming from the Greek, it is made up of two words: “Apo” which means “off” and “kalyptein” which means to conceal. Taken together, the word refers to the concept of removing a concealment. This has been commonly translated, then, as “revelation”. One of the most popular usages of the word in ancient and medieval contexts was to refer to the biblical book the “Apokalypse of John”, which was written in Greek and is more commonly referred to as the Book of Revelations. Since the Book of Revelations contains a series of prophesies that speak of the end times, the word “apokalypse” began to take on a more sinister meaning. Calling a vision “apocalyptic” may have originally referred to its similarity to the Book of Revelations, but by our time it’s taken on a meaning all of its own.

– A few thoughts from your friend Saxo