Prince and Pariah

THE SCENE: Gaythelos, the legendary founder of the Gaelic people, had a life filled with achievement and adventure. However, this restless energy had a dark side, as is demonstrated by this 14th century description of his youthful days.

THE TEXT: In the days of Moses, a certain king of one of the countries of Greece, Neolus, or Heolaus, by name, had a son, beautiful in countenance, but wayward in spirit, called Gaythelos, to whom he allowed no authority in his kingdom. Roused to anger, and backed by a numerous band of youths, Gaythelos disturbed his father’s kingdom by many cruel misdeeds, and angered his father and his people by his insolence. He was, therefore, driven out by force from his native land, and sailed to Egypt. Having joined King Pharaoh, he strove, together with the Egyptians, to keep the children of Israel in perpetual bondage; and he finally married Pharoah’s only daughter Scota, with the view of succeeding his father-in-law on the throne of Egypt.

– John of Fordun, Chronica Gentis Scotorum, 14th Century AD