Code of Violence

THE SCENE: “Every man must have a code,” but when Bodvar discovers that his twin brother Frodi has become a murderous bandit, his initial outrage is quickly dissolved after learning of that his brother has at least has some rules about who he kills.

THE TEXT: Frodi invited him to remain there, offering him a half-share of everything. But Bodvar declined. He thought it wrong to kill people for their wealth, and so he prepared to leave. Frodi accompanied Bodvar on his way. He told Bodvar that he had given quarter to many men, especially those who were small and weak. Bodvar, cheered up by his brother’s remark, praised him, saying that in this he did well, “and you should let most people go in peace, even if you find fault with them.”

– The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki, 14th Century AD