Trivia of Dead Worlds: Murder Cloak

In the Icelandic Sagas, any time a character wears a black (or dark blue) cape, expect violence. Whether it represents an authentic practice or is merely a literary convention, it is the go-to garment for people looking to commit a murder. This convention appears in such famous Sagas as the Laxdaela Saga, the Eyrbyggja Saga, Hrfankel’s Saga, and Njal’s Saga. The cloak’s prominence may result simply from the fact that it is a dark color for dark work, but it may also have religious significance — Odin wears such a cloak in the Lay of Grimnir. Or maybe people just needed a cloak that wouldn’t get ruined if it got some blood spilled on it. Cloaks are expensive, you know.

– A few thoughts from your friend Saxo