THE SCENE: Which path would you take: the hard path with the great reward, or the easy path with doom at the end? And what would you do if someone tried to lead you down the wrong path?
THE TEXT: The Emperor Maximian was renowned for the wisdom of his government. In his reign there lived two knights, the one wise and the other foolish, but who had a mutual regard for each other. “Let us make an agreement,” said the wise knight, “which will be advantageous to both.” The other assented, and, by the direction of his friend, proceeded to draw blood from his right arm. “I,” said the latter, “will drink of thy blood, and thou of mine; so that neither in prosperity nor in adversity shall our covenant be broken, and whatsoever the one gains, shall be divided by the other.” The foolish knight agreed; and they ratified the treaty by a draught of each other’s blood.
The wise knight said to his companion, “My friend, let us go through the world as other knights are wont to do, and seek our fortune.” His friend acquiesced; they set out upon their travels, and presently came to a place where two roads meet. ” See,” said the wise knight, “here are two roads. The one leads to the noblest city in the world, and if we go thither, we shall obtain whatsoever our hearts desire. But the other path conducts to a city which is built in a valley; if we venture there, we shall be thrown into prison, and afterwards crucified. I advise, therefore, that we avoid this road, and pursue the other.”
“My friend,” replied the foolish knight, “I heard long ago of the two cities; but the way to that upon the mountain is very narrow and dangerous, because of the soldiers who attack those that enter; nay, they frequently rob and murder them. But the other way is open and broad; and the soldiers who are stationed there receive passengers with hospitality, and supply them with all things necessary. This is sufficiently manifest; I see it, and had rather believe my own eyes than you.” “It is true,” returned his companion, “one way is difficult to walk along, but the other is infinitely worse at the end: ignominy and crucifixion will certainly be our doom. But fear you to walk the strait road, on account of a battle, or because of robbers? You, who are a soldier, and therefore in duty bound to fight valiantly? However, if you will go with me the way I desire, I promise to precede you in the attack; and be assured with your aid we shall overcome every obstacle.” “I protest to you,” said the other, ” I will not go your way, but will take mine own,” “Well,” replied the wise knight, “since I have pledged you my word, and drank your blood in token of fidelity, I will proceed with you, though against my better judgment.” So they both went the same path.
The progress was extremely pleasant till they reached the station of the three soldiers, who honourably and magnificently entertained them. And here the foolish knight said to the wise one, “Friend, did I not tell thee how comfortable this way would be found; in all which the other is deficient?” “If the end be well,” replied he, ” all is well; but I do not hope it.” With the three soldiers they tarried some time; insomuch that the seneschal of the city, hearing that two knights, contrary to royal prohibition, were approaching, sent out troops to apprehend them. The foolish knight he commanded to be bound hand and foot, and thrown into a pit, but the other he imprisoned.
Now, when the judge arrived, the malefactors were all brought before him, and among the rest our two knights — the wiser of whom thus spoke: “My Lord, I complain of my comrade, who is the occasion of my death. I declared to him the law of this city, and the danger to which we were exposed, but he would not listen to my words, nor abide by my counsels. Now, because I had taken an oath never to forsake him in prosperity or in adversity, I accompanied him hither. But ought I therefore to die? Pronounce a just judgment.” Then the foolish knight addressed the judge: “He is himself the cause of my death. For everyone knows that he is reckoned wise, and I am naturally a fool. Ought he then so lightly to have surrendered his wisdom to my folly? And had he not done so, I should have returned to go the way which he went, even for the solemn oath which I had sworn. And therefore, since he is wise, and I am foolish, he is the occasion of my death.” The judge, hearing this, spoke to both, but to the wise night first: “Thou who art wise, since thou didst listen so heedlessly to his folly and followed him, and thou, foolish man, since thou didst not credit his word, but acted out thine own folly, ye shall both be suspended on the cross this very day,” Thus it was done.
– Gesta Romanorum, 13th Century AD
[Image Credit: Legend, Dance of Death; Book of Hours]