A Strangely Insulting Gift

THE SCENE: The Avars extracted a crippling tribute from the Saxons for years, until finally King Henry the Fowler united the Saxon people and prepared them to resist. Facing the prospect of a unified Saxon people, the Avars quickly discovered that they were not able to summon the same respect and obedience from their allies that they had come to expect.

THE TEXT: Soon after this the envoys of the [Avars] came to the king for their customary tribute, but this time they were scorned by him and returned home empty-handed. Upon hearing this the Avars did not delay but got ready a large and well armed band and hastened to invade Saxony. They made a journey through Dalmacia, seeking aid of their old friends. But the latter [Dalmacians], knowing that the Avars were going to invade the Saxons, and that the Saxons were ready for them, threw them a very fat dog as a gift; and since there was no occasion for avenging this insult, for [the Avars] were on their way to do battle elsewhere, [the Dalmatians] followed their former friends a good distance, heaping them with loud ridicule.

– The Deeds of the Saxons, Widukind of Corvey, 10th Century AD