THE SCENE: When the Emperor Charlemagne discovers that Count Ganelon has betrayed him, he has him arrested and turned over to the worst jailers he can think of: his kitchen staff.
THE TEXT: The king has had Count Ganelon arrested, and turns him over to his household cooks. The tells Besgun, the leader of them all: “Keep watch on him, like any common thug, for he’s betrayed the members of my house.” He turned him over to a hundred comrades, the best and worst together, from the kitchen. These men plucked out his beard and moustache, and each one hit him four times with his fist. They whipped him thoroughly with sticks and clubs, and then they put a chain around his neck and chained him up exactly like a bear. In ridicule, they set him on a pack-horse. They’ll guard him this way until Charles returns.”
– The Song of Roland, 12th Century AD