
A Shrew Saves the Day

” They continued to search the place even so, but not as carefully as they might have done if they had not had to suffer such a torrent of abuse from the farmer’s wife. Having found nothing, they left and wished the farmer well.” […]

Greek and Roman

On the Topic of Opium

“For my own part, however, I do not approve of opium entering into the composition of eye-salves, and still less of the preparations from it known as febrifuges, digestives, and cœliacs: the black poppy, however, is very generally prescribed, in wine, for cœliac affections.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Scholar and a Prankster

“Sir Thomas Moore’s discourse was extraordinarily facetious. Riding one night, upon the sudden, he crossed himself with a great cross, crying out, “Jesu Maria! Do you not see that prodigious dragon in the sky?”” […]


Pleeease Give me More Gold?

“Indeed if there is much gold (in Egypt), do send me as much as your fathers did. In case there is little gold, send me half of what your fathers did, but why in the world did you send only two pounds of gold to me?” […]

Greek and Roman

Serenity in All Things

“If, then, it happens to thee in such way as thou art formed by nature to bear it, do not complain, but bear it as thou art formed by nature to bear it. But if it happens in such wise as thou art not formed by nature to bear it, do not complain, for it will perish after it has consumed thee.” […]

Medieval Mentality

Champion Level Pettiness

“Since he had offended king Cunincpert while they were conversing at a banquet, the king commanded to be prepared for him when he was returning to his inn a fierce and untamed horse who was accustomed to dash to the earth with a great snorting those who sat upon him.” […]

Greek and Roman

Theseus and the Women

“This man called his wife Phersephone, his daughter Cora, and his dog Cerberus, with which beast he ordered that all suitors of his daughter should fight, promising her to him that should overcome it.” […]

Human Affairs

Marriage in the Afterlife

“They give the dead girl to the dead boy as a wife and draw up a deed of matrimony. Then they burn this deed, and declare that the smoke that rises into the air goes to their children in the other world and that they get wind of it and regard themselves as husband and wife.” […]