The Bloody Poetry Rushes Forth
“A warm, foamy stream of Danish blood, squeezed from their veins, gathers in waves to form broad lakes, an inundation which rolls the scattered corpses.” […]
“A warm, foamy stream of Danish blood, squeezed from their veins, gathers in waves to form broad lakes, an inundation which rolls the scattered corpses.” […]
“And ready-witted Prometheus he bound with inextricable bonds, cruel chains, and drove a shaft through his middle, and set on him a long- winged eagle, which used to eat his immortal liver; but by night the liver grew as much again everyway as the long-winged bird devoured in the whole day. ” […]
“They alighted out of the coach, and went into a woman woman’s house at the bottom of Highgate Hill, and bought a hen, and make the woman exenterate [disembowel] it, and then stuff the body with snow.” […]
“At that time a blind man came to lodge at the inn, who, seeing that I would do to lead him, asked for me from my mother. She gave me to him, saying that I was the son of a good father, and boasting that he had been killed at the Island of Gelves.” […]
“Thus they combine the mobility of cavalry with the staying power of infantry; and by daily training and practice they attain such proficiency that even on a steep incline they are able to control the horses at full gallop, and to check and turn them in a moment.” […]
“After these three pleas asking for deliverance, a mighty monster passed near them from the west going to encounter the beast. He immediately attacked the first monster, emitting fire from his mouth.” […]
“Sigrid answered, ‘I won’t go out with things as they are! All of those who are dead are standing there before the door; among them I recognize your husband Thorstein and myself as well. How horrible to see it!'” […]
“And he said to Heym: ‘I would just as readily have a woman’s help as yours, for you were bad to me. We were fighting 2 against 5, and you stood by and watched, and would not help us. When I see you rewarded for this, it will not be forgotten.'” […]
“It was done like this: a small staff, engraved with certain Gothic characters, was thrown towards him by his master, and when Gilbert caught it in his hands he remained fettered and unable to move. Nor could he free himself when he applied his teeth to it, for it was as if they were stuck together with an adhesive pitch, nor with his feet when, on the crafty advice of his master, he tried to use them.” […]
“It is also said that if a couple come to have intercourse on this spot, or nearby, which they do frequently, great drops of sweat drip from the stone.” […]
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