
A Bumbling Spy

“At that very moment, Thorgerd returned and Helgi turned round quickly and fell off the partition. Thorgerd asked him what he was doing climbing up the rafters instead of lying still. He said he was so racked with pains in his joints that he could not lie still.” […]

Greek and Roman

Romans on the Rhine

“Our troops attacked with such vigour when the signal was given, and the enemy also dashed forward so suddenly and swiftly, that there was no time to throw spears at them. So the men dropped their spears and fought hand to hand with their swords.” […]

Human Affairs

Respect Thy Elders

“It is always a great comfort to me that I shall leave much wealth for my own true son to enjoy after my days but should scarcely regard him as a son, though I had begotten him, if he were a fool.” […]


God Speaks in Mysterious Ways

“While king Cunincpert was taking counsel in what way he might deprive Aldo and Grauso of life, suddenly in the window near which they were standing sat a fly of the largest kind which when Cunincpert attempted to strike with his knife to kill it, he only cut off its foot.” […]

Greek and Roman

The Death of Theseus

“But Lycomedes, either because he feared a man of such fame, or as a favour to Menestheus, led him up to the high places of the land, on pretence of showing him from thence his lands, threw him down the cliffs, and killed him. Some, however, say that he slipped and fell down of himself while walking there after supper, as was his custom.” […]