Human Affairs

Marriage in the Afterlife

“They give the dead girl to the dead boy as a wife and draw up a deed of matrimony. Then they burn this deed, and declare that the smoke that rises into the air goes to their children in the other world and that they get wind of it and regard themselves as husband and wife.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Legendary Betrayal

“The moment they heard this signal the Saxons drew their daggers, attacking the leaders standing near them and cut the throats of about four hundred and sixty counts and earls, who were thinking of something quite different.” […]

Britons and Celts

A King Weighs His Options

‘But Harold refused, and said that Ourth should not go against the duke and fight without him; and that he would not burn houses and villages, neither would he plunder his people. “How,” said he, “can I injure the people I should govern? I cannot destroy or harass those who ought to prosper under me.”‘ […]

Greek and Roman

Accept the Way Things Are

” But as to what any man shall say or think about him or do against him, he never even thinks of it, being himself contented with these two things, with acting justly in what he now does, and being satisfied with what is now assigned to him.” […]