Britons and Celts

The Army William Made

“he archers came forth, and touched land the foremost; each with his bow bent, and his quiver full of arrows slung at his side. All were shaven and shorn, and all clad in short garments, ready to attack, to shoot, to wheel about and skirmish. All stood well equipped, and of good courage for the fight.” […]


A Massacre of Demons

“He grabbed him by the head and ears, and holding on to his shoulders with his other hand tore the demon’s head off, like a ravening lion, and flung it covered in blood into the crowd of warriors.” […]


Death by Stupidity

“The young man took it, turned to one side, unfastened the peace straps and drew the sword. When Thorkel saw that he said, “I did not give you permission to draw the sword.”
“I did not ask your permission,” said the lad.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Revenge of Gawain

“Then he rode into the host, hacking through helmets,
Riving off rivets and ripping through shields,
Causing carnage in the ranks but keeping his course,
Rampaging through the rearguard and riding onward,
Then reigning back, that right royal battler,
And returning to the ranks of his own Round Table.” […]


A Deadly Dinner

“Go to the field of Asfeld and there you can find by experience beyond a doubt how stoutly those you call mares succeed in kicking; there the bones of your brother are scattered in the midst of the meadows like those of a vile beast.” […]


Code of Violence

“Frodi invited him to remain there, offering him a half-share of everything. But Bodvar declined. He thought it wrong to kill people for their wealth, and so he prepared to leave.” […]

Human Affairs

The Beauty of Honor

“He stretched forth his hand, and they were quite red and rather darkened from blood and the cuts of weapons, but when he pulled back his sleeves, they were laden with gold rings up to his shoulders.” […]