Britons and Celts

Arthur’s Wrath

“He made worthy widows wail with sorrow,
Weeping and howling they wrung their hands.
And everywhere in his wake he wasted through war
Their wealth and their houses, and awoke their woe.” […]


Power of a Portly King

“The king mounted someone else’s horse and returned to combat in a spirited fashion. He shouted and called his men back, urging the boldest by name not to flee. With sword unsheathed the king rushed amid the enemy ranks to help those whom he could and chose those who were fleeing.” […]

Greek and Roman

The Power of a Song

“They bore harps and were clad in snowy robes, and chanted in suppliant strains to the gods of their fathers that they might be propitious and repel the Macedonians.” […]


A Cow-Powered Threat

“They had great faith in a certain cow, and they called her Sibilja. She received so many sacrifices that men could now withstand her bellowing. It was the king’s custom, when an invasion was expected, that this very same cow went in front of the ranks.” […]