
A Demon in Disguise

“Before Jesus Christ was born in the flesh, devils had great power over human beings; but when He came, this power was greatly diminished. They were dispersed, some here, some there, for they fled headlong from His presence. I remember that I myself jumped down a well.” […]


The Mystery of the Semen Stain

“‘O Abu Yusuf, tell me what this stain may be?’ The kadi went up to the bed, placed his finger in the middle of the stain, carried it to his eye and his nose, and then said; ‘Commander of the Faithful, it is a man’s semen.'” […]

Medieval Mentality

The Wolves of the Sun

“This old hag is the mother of many gigantic sons, who are all of them shaped like wolves, two of whom are the wolves thou askest about. There is one of that race, who is said to be the most formidable of all, called Managarm: he will be filled with the life-blood of men who draw near their end, and will swallow up the moon, and stain the heavens and the earth with blood.” […]


A Bloody Brawl

“After they had fought for a while, Atli said, ‘We will earn no prestige from killing each other’s farmhands. There would be more point if we were to fight together by ourselves, for I have never killed a man before.'” […]

Greek and Roman

Zeus vs. Typhon

” So when Zeus had raised up his might and seized his arms, thunder and lightning and lurid thunderbolt, he leaped form Olympus and struck him, and burned all the marvellous heads of the monster about him.” […]

Eastern Europe

The Skin-skirt of the Fish-Woman

“God had created for her in the middle of her body a kind of white skin like a thick, strong cloth, which went from her waist to her knees, covering her private parts and it was like a veil attached to her waist to hide her nakedness.” […]

Greek and Roman

A God-killer Strikes

But once Diomedes caught Aphrodite, stalking her through the onslaught, gallant Tydeus’ offspring rushed her, lunging out, thrusting his sharp spear at her soft, limp wrist and the brazen point went slashing through her […]

Human Affairs

No Respite from an Implacable Foe

“Then Thorir said, “All of our lives, Sigmundur, we’ve been together. You’ve been my only family, and I’ve been yours. But now it seems likely that our dear partnership is coming to an end. I’ve swam as far as I can. I want you to save yourself … save your own life, and forget about me. Because you’ll die, my brother, if you try to save me too.”” […]

Medieval Mentality

The Priest of Battle

“When they saw an unarmed priest bravely tearing down the enclosures, they surged forward with their weapons and began striking the palisade with their axes and whatever iron tools they had.” […]