
The Currency of God’s Esteem

“Narses the patrician of Italy came to the city with many treasures, and there in his dwelling he secretly dug a great cistern in which he deposited many thousand centenaria of gold and silver. And when all who knew of the matter had been killed, he entrusted these to the care of one old man only, exacting from him an oath.” […]

Human Affairs

Sports With Deadly Stakes

“They went out onto the field. Walter took a stone that weighed 2 ship-pounds, and he threw it 9 feet. Then Detsleff threw 10 feet. So Walter threw 13 feet. Detsleff threw 14 feet. Then Walter didn’t want to play that game any more.” […]

Greek and Roman

Prince and Pariah

“Roused to anger, and backed by a numerous band of youths, Gaythelos disturbed his father’s kingdom by many cruel misdeeds, and angered his father and his people by his insolence.” […]

Medieval Mentality

The Pleasure Contest

“At once the slave from Madinah clasped his hands and began to caress them gently, while the one from Kufah, lying lower, rubbed his feet and took advantage of her position to slip up her hand from time to time and handle the principal merchandise.” […]