
Playing with a Horse’s “Dangler”

“As the slave cut off the horse’s member, and was about to throw it away, the farmer’s son ran by laughing, caught it, and took it into the parlour. There, his mother was sitting, accompanied by her daughter and the slave-woman. He shook the phallus at them, shouting mocking remarks.” […]

Greek and Roman

Eternal Sunshine of the Emperors Mind

“The emperor, therefore, in this dilemma, constructed two rings; and upon the jewels with which they were richly ornamented, he sculptured images possessing very singular virtues. One bore an effigy of Memory; and the other an effigy of Oblivion.” […]


The Fall of Grettir and Illugi

“Grettir swung his short-sword at Hjalti Thordarson’s follower Vikar, striking him on the left shoulder as he jumped down into the hut and cutting right through his shoulders and down his right side. The man was chopped clean in half and his body fell on top of Grettir in two pieces.” […]

Britons and Celts

Royal Brothers Bicker

“Thus Harold and Gurth disputed, till their words grew angry, and Gurth would have struck his brother, had he not spurred his horse on, so that the blow missed, and struck the horse behind the saddle, glancing along Harold’s shield. ” […]


Profile of a Victorious Army

“They have trained their horses so well that they wheel this way or that as quickly as a dog would do. When they are pursued and take to flight, they fight as well and as effectively as when they are face to face with the enemy.” […]


Rostam Suffers No Fools

“You know what I call a mother who bears a son like you? A sewer of shrouds, or a mourner at a wake. Bringing your cronies here against me is as pointless as throwing walnuts at a dome in the hope that they’ll stick there.” […]