
Gettir the Tomb Raider

“hen Grettir drew his sword, Jokul’s Gift, swung at the mound-dwellers neck and chopped off his head. He placed the head up against the mound-dwellers buttocks and took all the treasure over to the rope.” […]

Medieval Mentality

Forbidden Love Must Be Atoned

“Thorstein paid to have a stone cell built for each of them and provided whatever else they needed to live. When the stone cells had been built, at an appropriate time and when everything was completed, they gave up their secular lives together of their own free will.” […]


An End to the Peace

“Then King Harald sent the man named Herleif, and with him the contingent of Germans, to meet King Hring, and had them set up hazel stakes on the battlefield for him and claim the site of the battled, and pronounce the breaking of peace and friendship.” […]

Greek and Roman

Zeus’ Wrath

“He paid the penalty of his arrogance towards the gods, since he was slain by a stroke of lightning and his entire house was submerged in the Alban lake.” […]


When Wooing Goes Wrong

“When the last of the men had left, the queen got up. She shaved off all his hair and smeared him with tar. Next, she took a leather sack made for sleeping and placed some clothes in it. After that she grabbed hold of the king and stuffed him into the sack. ” […]