
The Werewolves of God’s Wrath

“Later these clansmen did suffer a fitting and severe though very marvelous punishment, for it is told that all the members of that clan are changed into wolves for a period and roam through the woods feeding upon the same food as wolves, but they are worse than wolves, for in all their wiles they have the wit of men.” […]


The Smell of Royalty

And indeed, I was extremely glad when the fragrance of the king wafted towards me and there was a festival every day because I was so glad. Also the entire country was in awe of my lord when it heard about the sweet fragrance and the kind messenger who had come to me. […]

Greek and Roman

The Origin of Suffering

“Zeus bade famous Hephaestus make haste and mix earth with water and to put in it the voice and strength of human kind, and fashion a sweet, lovely maiden-shape, like to the immortal goddesses in face; and Athene to teach her needlework and the weaving of the varied web; and golden Aphrodite to shed grace upon her head and cruel longing and cares that weary the limbs.” […]


Persistence and Demon-Summoning

“Faustus, who thought he might have tarried long enough now, considered fleeing from his circle, but finally he regained his godless and reckless resolve and persisted in his former intention, come whatever God might send. He continued to conjure the Devil as before, and the Devil did mystify him.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Respectful Difference of Opinion

“It appears that whatever Geoffrey has written either of Arthur, or his successors, or predecessors, is a fiction, invented either by himself or by others, and promulgated either through an unchecked propensity to falsehood, or a desire to please the Britons, of whom vast numbers are said to be so stupid as to assert that Arthur is yet to come.” […]


How to Bury a Zombie

“They rode up along the ridge and came into Thorsdardal, where they broke open Thorolf’s cairn. Thorolf’s body had not decayed but he was very hideous to look at.” […]

Britons and Celts

How to Shield Your Sins from Demons

“It is worth recording that in Poitou in our own time there was a woman possessed of a devil, which devil used to speak through her mouth, arguing and disputing most cleverly and astutely with intelligent and well-informed people.” […]


The Abdication of Odin

“But the gods, whose chief seat was then at Byzantium, seeing that Odin had tarnished the fair name of godhead by divers injuries to its majesty, thought that he ought to be removed from their society.” […]

Human Affairs

A Wedding for the Ages

“The elephants and musicians, and the various banners of red, white, yellow, and purple silk, made the earth seem like a paradise: with the blare of trumpets and the sound of harps, the squeal of bugles and the ringing of bells, it seemed as if Judgment Day had come.” […]