
The Curse of the Returned One

THE SCENE: Arnkel thought his life would become easier after the death of his sadistic father Thorolf. Little did he realize that Thorolf would continue finding ways to make his – and everyone’s – lives […]


Odin Strikes Out

“But no services could assuage the wrath of Rinda; when he was fain to kiss her she cuffed him. For this stubborn-hearted maiden never doubted that the crafty old man was feigning generosity in order to seize an opening to work his lust.” […]

Medieval Mentality

Wisdom Wins the Day

“The twelve tall trees, each of which had thirty branches, are the twelve months of the year; twelve times the moon is renewed in her place, like a new king seated on his thrones, and each month has thirty days; this is how time passes.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Heroic Last Gamble

“. The duke spurred on his horse, and aimed a blow at him, but he stooped, and so escaped the stroke; then jumping on one side, he lifted his hatchet aloft, and as the duke bent to avoid the blow, the Englishman boldly struck him on the head, and beat in his helmet, though without doing much injury.” […]