
Portrait of a Great King

“In hunting he was most keen, and on one occasion he caught forty or more wild animals; and although at the banquet he was jovial enough, he never diminished anything of his regal demeanor.” […]

Britons and Celts

Opening Arthur’s Tomb

“Beneath it there was a stone slab, with a leaden cross attached to its underside. I have seen this cross myself and I have traced the lettering which read as follows: HERE IN THE ISLE OF AVALON LIES BURIED THE RENOWNED KING ARTHUR, WITH GUINERERE, HIS SECOND WIFE.” […]


Effortless Dragonslaying

“. Its spittle burned vultures’ wings, its venom scorched the earth; it snatched monsters from the sea and eagles from the air; the earth was emptied of people and flocks, every living thing retreated before it. When I saw that no one dared oppose it, I emptied my heart of fear and bound on my sword in God’s name.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Last King of the Angles

“Gurth saw the English falling around, and that there was no remedy. He saw his race hastening to ruin, and despaired of any aid; he would have fled, but could not, for the throng continually increased.” […]