Wisdom of Dead Worlds: Ovid
We envy what is best, storm-winds blow through the sky, And Jove his thunder-bolts will aim at what stands high. – Ovid, 1st Century AD
We envy what is best, storm-winds blow through the sky, And Jove his thunder-bolts will aim at what stands high. – Ovid, 1st Century AD
What just cause can be found for the encounter of so many nations, or what hatred inspired them all to take arms against each other? It is proof that the human race lives for its […]
In the end a man owns only the earth in which he lies; five cubits of ground are all we inherit, linen covers us, and we lie in the grave. – The Shahnameh, Abolqasem Ferdowsi
The world will not keep faith with you, nor will she show you her true face. – The Shahnameh, Abolqasem Ferdowsi
The wind does not obey the dust. – The Shahnameh, Abolqasem Ferdowsi
The world was his while he remained alive,He showed men how to prosper and to thrive:But all this world is like a tale we hear–Man’s evil, and their glory, disappear. – The Shahnameh, Abolqasem Ferdowsi
“Deserted by everybody because of the deadly stench emanating from the multitudes of slaughtered mice, he died a most shameful death, devoured by those monsters.” […]
“The whole band of warriors was obliged to escort him to a dense wood and wait on the edge of the wood while he withdrew from them and pursued his course into some dark wilderness where he was unable to hear the din of their shouting.” […]
“He led the way to bed. His wife went with him. And now, while the two made love in the large carved bed, Menelaus stalked like a wild beast, up and down the lines.” […]
“Onions are said to be a soporific and, eaten with bread, to be capable of healing mouth sores.” […]
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