Greek and Roman

Greeks in the Land of Dreams

“The dreams themselves differed widely in character and appearance. Some were well-grown, smooth-skinned, shapely, handsome fellows, others rough, short, and ugly; some apparently made of gold, others of common cheap stuff. Among them some were found with wings, and other strange variations; others again were like the mummers in a pageant, tricked out as kings or Gods or what not.” […]

Human Affairs

The Manners of a Viking

“You two must be incredibly unlike,” they said, “as hideous as you are. We have never seen a maiden so beautiful, and we don’t think that she looks anything like you, because you are the greatest monstrosity.” […]


Lion Hacking

“You must squeal as loudly and as much like a pig as you can, because the beast can’t stand to hear that, and I know that that’s the only thing it’s afraid of. That’s its nature.” […]


Death of the God Osiris

“Typhon then divided the body of the slain man into twenty-six pieces and gave one portion to each of the band of murderers, since he wanted all of them to share in the pollution and felt that in this way he would have in them steadfast supporters and defenders of his rule.” […]

Britons and Celts

Origin of Stonehenge

THE SCENE: Whether it is true or not, this 12th century description of how Merlin founded Stonehenge (with African rocks stolen from the Irish) provides us with a lively portrayal of him as a character […]