Britons and Celts

Dragon’s Future for Britain

“. A fifth Dragon will replace the two dead ones and will destroy the two left alive by various stratagems. It will climb on the back of one, holding a sword in its claws, and hack its head away from its body.” […]

Britons and Celts

A God-Blessed Land

“There no reptile is wont to be seen, no serpent can live. For, if serpents are brought thither from elsewhere, as soon as they begin to scent that air, they die.” […]

Eastern Europe

Honor Thy Daughter-in-Law

“The Derevlians, on the other hand, existed in bestial fashion, and lived like cattle. They killed one another, ate every impure thing, and there was no marriage among them, but instead they seized upon maidens by capture.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Beast in Battle

“The youthful captain of the Scot in ire,
Us’d to the wars, exerts his glorious fire,
Runs through the crowd, mows them down like grass,
Whilst he invulnerable stands like brass.” […]


A Winning Sea Strategy

“For the soldiers of Hother performed the bidding of their king, and kept off the attack of the spears by a penthouse of interlocked shields; while not a few of the spears smote lightly on the bosses and fell into the waves.” […]

Britons and Celts

Vengeance Strange & Divine

“Lest all should perish with him, or on account of him, he was put into a small boat with his wife and ill-acquired, wealth, and the ship immediately regained her power of moving, and proceeded as usual; but the skiff sunk with the weight of the sinner, and was buried in the deep.” […]


Prester John and the Golden King

“It happened one day that the Golden King went out for his sport with only a handful of followers, and among them were these seven traitors. When they had crossed a river about a mile distant from the place, and left their companions on the farther bank, the seven henchmen, seeing that the kind had no one to protect him, resolved to carry out the purpose for which they had come.” […]