
Let God Guide the Sword of the Righteous

“Thierry sees he is wounded in the face – bright blood is falling on the grassy plain – hits Pinabel upon his smooth steel casque and cracks it, splits it open to the nasal, and busts his skull, so brains come spilling out, then wrenches free and lets him fall down dead.” […]

Eastern Europe

Law of the Rich, Laws of the Poor

“. If a Russ commits assault with a sword, spear, or any other weapon, he who has committed this crime shall pay five pounds of silver according to the Russian law, but if he is poor, all his available property shall be sold, even to the garments he walks in, and those too shall be taken from him.” […]


Fates Worse Than Death

“The rebellious nobles who had revolted against me and whose skins I had stripped off, I made into a trophy: some in the middle of the pile I left to decay; some on the top of the pile on stakes I impaled.” […]


A Fateful Encounter

“About this time Hother chanced, while hunting, to be led astray by a mist, and he came on a certain lodge in which were wood-maidens; and when they greeted him by his own name, he asked who they were. They declared that it was their guidance and government that mainly determined the fortunes of war. ” […]


Words of Dead Worlds: Testicles

They’re an essential part of the human anatomy for about half the world’s population. Testicles. In most languages, the slang terms for them comes from certain obvious sources: balls, nuts, stones, eggs, etc. “Testicles” has […]