Britons and Celts

Salvation Through Suffering

“They say that if a person once undergoes these torments because of a penance imposed on him, he will not have to endure the pains of hell – unless he commit some very serious sin.” […]


To Kill a Zombie

“His wickedness even appeared after his decease; anyone nearing his tomb was quickly exterminated, and his corpse emitted such foul plagues that he almost seemed to leave more loathsome reminder of himself dead than when alive.” […]


Fall of the Morning Star

“But so soon as he rose up in insolence and vanity and would exalt himself above Orient he was driven out from the House of Heaven, thrust down into fiery brimstone which is eternally unextinguished and tormenteth him forever.” […]

Britons and Celts

History of a Strange Cup

“A certain rustic belonging to the village, going to see his friend, who resided in the neighboring hamlet, was returning, a little intoxicated, late at night; when, behold, he heard, as it were, the voice of singing and reveling on an adjacent hillock.” […]


The Killings Cancel Out

“Steinthor was at the forefront of his troop, striking on both sides, but the ornamented sword was not much good whenever it hit a shield, and he had to keep straightening it out under his foot.” […]

Human Affairs

Saintly Dog or Demon Dog?

“The local peasants hearing of the dog’s noble deed and innocent death, began to visit the place and honor the dog as a martyr in quest of help for their sicknesses and other needs. They were seduced and often cheated by the Devil so that he might in this way lead men into error.” […]


The Mutants of the Mountains

“When he beheld their uncleanness, he marveled. They ate every nauseous thing, such as gnats, flies, cats, and serpents. They did not bury their dead, but at them, along with the fruits of abortions and all sorts of impure beasts. On beholding this, Alexander was afraid lest, as they multiplies, they might corrupt the earth.” […]


No! Not the Bees!

“But the latter is said to have had at hand many hives of bees, which he broke open and let loose against the duke’s horsemen. The bees tormented the horses with their sings, and made them mad, so that their riders began to be imperiled.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Cunning King

“Dunvallo found himself still as far as ever from victory. He summoned six hundred of his boldest young men and ordered them to strip the arms from those of their enemies who lay dead around them and then to put those same arms on.” […]