Greek and Roman

A Fanciful Emperor & Good Companion

“He made a habit of propounding problems to grammarians, asking them to say what sounds different animals make, for example: lambs bleat, pigs grunt, doves coo, bears growl, lions roar, leopards snarl, elephants trumpet, frogs croak, horses neigh, bulls bellow – and he would confirm these from old writers.” […]


An Infamous Betrayal

“They directly opened up the cache of arms from which each quietly fitted himself with fighting-gear. Then they made for the palace, broke into the inner chambers and drew their swords on the sleepers.” […]


An Unholy War

Nor was God’s anger withheld from the punishment of these proud and corrupted people; for frequently, as it is said, torrents of unseasonable rain from on high destroyed more of our troops than the sword of the enemy had devoured.” […]


The Medieval Postmen of Mongolia

“For it takes these runners no more than a day and a night to cover a ten day’s journey, or two days and two nights for a twenty days’ journey. So in ten days they can transmit news over a journey of a hundred days. ” […]

Human Affairs

A Hostile Chat Amongst Hostile Folks

“Snaeulfur grabbed a spear and threw it at him. Hafgrimur raised his shield in defense and the spear pierced it deeply, but he was not wounded. The two men parted company as matters stood, and Hafgrimmur sailed home to South Island, very dissatisfied with the meeting.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Language of Cats

“For one Cat which was a mighty big one, gray haired, bristle-bearded, and having broad eyes which shone and sparkled like two stars, sat in the midst, and on either side of her sat another, and before her stood three more, whereof one mewed continually, save when the great cat groaned, & ever when the great cat had finished groaned, this mewing cat began again, first stretching out her neck & as it were making courtesies to them which sat.” […]


Death Before Minor Shame

“Almighty God forbid, and all His angels, that France should lose her fame because of me! I’d much prefer to die than come to shame; for fighting well, the emperor will love us.” […]

Greek and Roman

Dangerous Dolls

“Once when Theophilos was infuriated with his wife, and asked the court fool whether “mama” was still kissing her pretty dolls, setting his hand to his lips, the fellow replied: “Hush emperor, hush! Not a word about the dolls!”” […]


Cleanliness Goes Before A Fall

“For while he was reading, a spider came down from the ceiling by a thread, hooked itself on to the deacon’s head, and then ran up again. The most observant Charles saw this happen a second and a third time, but pretended not to notice it.” […]