Britons and Celts

Romance of a Scottish Legend

“The lovers met, and now a modest kiss
Lifts up the hero’s soul to laughing bliss.
Love feels the alarm, starts up in fond surprise,
And through his veins anew impetuous flies,
Inflames his soul, and sparkles through his eyes.” […]

Greek and Roman

Strange Punishments for Everyday Crimes

“When the facts had been established, he ordered two oxen of extraordinary size to be cut open suddenly, while still alive, and the soldiers to be thrust one into each, with their heads protruding so that they could talk to each other. ” […]

Medieval Mentality

A Heretic Until the End

“I am Eun, who is to come to judge both the quick and the dead, and the world by fire.” He held in his hand a staff of uncommon form, and forked at top; and being asked the meaning of this, he said, “It is a matter of great mystery.” […]


The Charity of the Great Khan

“When he learns that some family of honest and respectable people have been impoverished by some misfortune or disabled from working by illness, so that they have no means of earning their daily bread, he sees to it that such families (which may consist of six to ten persons or more) are given enough to cover their expenses for the whole year.” […]


Gates to the Unknown

“One of them climbs a ladder, which is leaning against the door, and when he reaches the tops step, he strikes the bolt with his hammer. Then, if one applies one’s ear to the door, one hears a muted sound like a nest of wasps. Then everything falls silent again.” […]


Respect in Death

“The beardless youth was the last survivor. When he saw that he was going to be captured, he climbed a nearby tree and stabbed himself in vital organs until he died.” […]