Human Affairs

Love and Marriage in the Viking World

“So Thorgerd married Herjolf and went with him to his home, and they came to love one another dearly. Thorgerd quickly proved what an exceptionally capable woman she was, and Herjolf was considered to have enhanced his prestige and standing greatly by winning such a wife as Thorgerd.” […]

Medieval Mentality

The Heavenly Lights Dance

“It also looks as if sharp points were shot from this flame up into the sky; these are of uneven height and in constant motion, now one, now another darting highest; and the light appears to blaze like a living flame.” […]


Viking in their Victim’s Eyes

“They didn’t know the strength of the Rus, and thought they would behave like Greeks or Armenians. An hour after battle was joined, the Rus launched an attack that routed the army of Bardha’a. The volunteers and the rest of the soldiers turned and fled. Only the Daylamites stood their ground; they were all killed except for those mounted on horses.” […]


Fantastical Fibs aka Fiction

” It was while we were thus engaged that our scouts announced the approach of the Cloud-centaurs, whom the sun king had expected in time for the battle. They were indeed close upon us, and a strange sight, being compounded of winged horses and men.” […]


Your Beauty Gives You Away

“No one will believe that,” said the old man “This child is much more attractive than we are. We’re both completely ugly, and it won’t seem likely that the two of us would have such a child, as horrid as we both are.” […]


Legacy of a Goddess

“It is for these reasons, in fact, that it was ordained that the queen should have greater power and honour than the king and that among private persons the wife should enjoy authority over her husband, the husbands agreeing in the marriage contract that they will be obedient in all things to their wives.” […]

Eastern Europe

Origin of an Alphabet

” Whosoever condemns the Slavic writing shall be excluded from the Church until he mends his ways. For such men are not sheep but wolves; by their fruits ye shall know them and guard against them. ” […]