Britons and Celts

Mysteries Without Answers

“There was found a beautiful double stone, that is, a stone composed of two stones, joined with some very adhesive matter. Being shown, by the wondering workmen, to the bishop, who was at hand, it was ordered to be split, that its mystery (if any) might be developed. In the cavity, a little reptile, called a toad, having a small golden chain around its neck, was discovered.” […]


A Climactic Battle on the Ice

“Steinthor ran up too and brought his shield down over Thord when Thorleif tried to strike him, and with his other hand he struck at Thorleif Kimbi and cut away his leg below the knee. At that Freystein Bofi lunged at Steinthor, aiming at his stomach, but seeing this Steinthor leapt up into the air and the spear passed between his legs. Steinthor performed these three things at once, just as described.” […]


Enemies (and Friends) in Unusual Places

” “Tell me, what have I done to you, Infantes of Carrion? I have kept faith with you and in return you have plotted my death. If I did not forbear for the sake of the Cid, Rodrigo of Vivar, I should exact such vengeance as would startle the world.” […]

Human Affairs

What To Do After a Wet Dream

“One day, when I was the guest of the sister of this amir, she said to her brother: “Lying with my husband, he ejaculated in his sleep. Ask this man if I ought to perform the ritual ablutions.”” […]


Strange Omens

“Also, the left hand of a certain man which had been cut off with a knife was, after a lapse of a year, restored almost whole to him while he was asleep.” […]

Britons and Celts

Corineus the Giant-Killer

” Once, when [the king] was celebrating a day dedicated to the gods in the port where he had landed, this creature, along with twenty other giants, attacked him and killed a great number of the Britons.” […]

Human Affairs

Sigurd the Eloquent

“He could speak at length, and with such eloquence, that when he took it upon himself to press a matter, everybody agreed even before he was finished speaking that no course other than the one he advocated was possible.” […]