
Reign of the Old Gods

“The Goths always sought to appease Odin with the harshest rites, that is to say with the death of their prisoners, supposing that the presider over wars was more fitly appeased with human blood.” […]


A Realistic Viking Brawl

“Thorir had a bear-hunting knife in his hand and rushed at Ospak, lunging at him, but Ospak averted the blow. Since Thorir had thrown himself into a lunge which did not find its mark, he fell forward on to his knees with his head bent over. Ospak then struck down on Thorir’s back with his axe and there was a loud crack.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Strange Power of the Moon

“When she is deprived of her full light you will notice that all things lose their fullness. But when she has attained her complete roundness, you will find that bones are full of marrow, head of brains, and other things of sap.” […]

Britons and Celts

Details Regarding the Devil’s Schlong

“The youngest and lustiest women will have very great pleasure in their carnal cowpulatioun with him, yea much more than with their own husbands, and they will have an exceeding great desire of it with him, as much as he can have to them, and more, and never think shame of it.” […]


A Daring Raid

“Boldly entering the river himself, he ordered his men to seize the island, instructing some to swim and other to ride across as best they could, even though the deep waters made this dangerous.” […]