A Scoundrel of the Highest Order
“He nervously toiled and schemed how he might enter the castle, taking various disguises as sometimes on horse, sometimes on foot, he pretended to be a jongleur or prostitute.” […]
“He nervously toiled and schemed how he might enter the castle, taking various disguises as sometimes on horse, sometimes on foot, he pretended to be a jongleur or prostitute.” […]
“He asked if she would harden it again, and she said that she would like that very much, if it seemed necessary to him.” […]
“They related that the Greeks had in their possession the lightning from heaven, and had set them on fire by pouring it forth.” […]
“I shall reward you with some joyful news: your father is dead now, and you must return home.” […]
“He sank into the grave, the earth closed over him, the cross was laid upon it and he remained quiet.” […]
“With their left arms thus encumbered it was impossible for them to fight properly, and many, after repeated attempts to jerk their arms free, preferred to drop the shields and fight unprotected.” […]
“Rightly am I made odious to all men”, replied Iring, “because I have obeyed your treachery, but before I take my departure I will wipe out this guilt of mind by avenging my lord”. […]
“Absconders, however, and any timid creatures who quit the field, have snow put down their backs between their skin and clothing when they have been caught and, after being chastened with insults and abuse, are set free.” […]
“May it roast in the fires of Hell!
You’ve grabbed your wiener, I surmise.” […]
“Gisli then pulled the bedclothes off them with one hand, and with the other he plunged his spear through Thorgrim so that he stuck fast in the bed.” […]
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